The early identification of toxicity in non-GLP in vivo safety studies allows better utilization of resources in more costly and time consuming regulatory toxicology studies. In addition, the information from the discovery safety experiments triggers early mechanistic efforts to understand the nature of the toxicity and to select the most viable development candidates or to make an early no-go decision for the target.

Non-GLP Discovery Toxicology and Rodent Clinical Pathology Services:
- Test Agent Administration
- Oral Gavage
- Intravenous
- Intra-peritoneal
- Intra-tumor
- Intra-tracheal
- Intra-nasal
- Subcutaneous
- In diet
- Other
- Body Weight Measurements
- Serum and Urine Clinical Chemistries
- Hematological Analysis of Peripheral Blood
- Immuno-phenotyping of Peripheral Blood and Tissues by Fluorescence-activated call sorting (FACS)
- Tissue Collection and Processing for Histological Analysis
- Phenotypic Characterization of Genetically Modified Mice for Target Liability Assessment
- Toxicity Evaluation in Knock-Out Mouse Models